Estimated Total Value: $8,965
4 days a week
$300 per month
4 months
Provided by Anthem Network, Kaiser HMO (CA, CO, GA) or Hawaii MSA
Up to $200,000
Up to $200,000
Mental health program, up to 16 sessions per year for both therapy and coaching
Offered by Delta Dental
STD with 60% up to $3,300/w and LTD with 60% up to $14,000/m
$58 per month contributed by employer. $125 for employee + family
Offered by VSP
Offered by Nationwide
Employees have the flexibility to choose whether they work in the office, remotely, or a combination of the two.
Allows contributions up to 15% of base salary. 15% discount on purchase price of stock
No match
$250 per hour
Every month
Up to $100/month for your monthly expenses for Electric Vehicle charging fees